Test project for expats living in Brno in cooperation with Foreigners

Starting in October, Autonapůl is launching test project for expats living in Brno. In cooperation with Foreigners.cz, we are moving Citigo Kodos to the Domeq premises at Dornych street, in the industrial area Ponávka. From now on Kodos will have permanent reserved parking lot right next Domeq. The vehicle will be available non-stop to Domeq tenants, the entire Ponávka area and all other carsharers of Autonapůl. Kodos, like all the other cars of the Autonapůl Brno fleet, can be driven to the Brno city center and park at the so-called blue zones of residential parking, free of charge. Domeq tenants can also take advantage of the opportunity to bring any other car from the carsharing fleet in Brno and other cities after registering with Autonapůl.

European Mobility Week: Autonapůl was at it!

Can you imagine cities with much fewer cars? Trees instead of parking lots? Can you picture yourself breathing fresh air instead spending time in traffic jams breathing fumes?

It is exactly this quality of life in cities which the campaign European Mobility Week (EMW) seeks to promote. Every year between 16th and 22nd September thousands of cities in the whole continent join in. EMW features „Car Free Day“, too.


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