From 1 May 2020, you can exchange your points collected for the purchase of train tickets within the ČD Points program for a discount on Autonapůl services. Thanks to this cooperation, you can also drive cheaper with Autonapůl!
Helpline: +420 778 470 898
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From 1 May 2020, you can exchange your points collected for the purchase of train tickets within the ČD Points program for a discount on Autonapůl services. Thanks to this cooperation, you can also drive cheaper with Autonapůl!
Autonapůl, družstvo
Údolní 33, 602 00 Brno
Office: Křenová 409/52, Brno
IČO: 29301751 / DIČ: CZ29301751
Help line: +420 778 470 898
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