In this difficult situation, we would also like to offer cooperation in helping projects or organizations that the car might be useful for. At the Secondary Technical School of Chemistry, Brno produce disinfection from alcohol from the state. Shared cars Citigo Melvin, Rapid Roy or Transit Richard from Autonapůl fleet help with its transport. We are honored 👍!
Processed more than 10,000 liters of alcohol
Since the end of March, 10,000 L of alcohol has been processed, which is almost 12,000 L of hand disinfectant! This means the processing of about 12 tons of liquids and over 5,000 bottles of disinfection, which has so far supplied over 800 entities, including hospitals, social services, homes for the elderly, doctors, city districts but also people who simply need disinfection at home.
If you are involved as a “corona-volunteer” or if you know of an important project where they need cars, please send us your tips.
About the support of hospices in cooperation with the Forum of Mobile Hospices in the next article.