Coronavirus is affecting us all. Entrepreneurs by declining sales, many ordinary people by losing their jobs or having to take care of children at home instead of working, who are learning online due to closed schools. However, non-profit organizations caring for seriously ill patients, the disabled people and our oldest are not left out either. Organizations caring for people at the end of life associate Forum of Mobile Hospices.
Forum of Mobile Hospices is the umbrella organization for currently 40 providers of mobile specialized palliative care (ie so-called mobile or home hospices) throughout the Czech Republic and other healthcare providers. Its members include hospices, home care agencies, charities and other health care facilities that provide professional specialized or general palliative care in the patient's homes. It is aquality-of-life-oriented care provided to a patient suffering from an incurable disease in an advanced or terminal stage. The goal is to enable patients to be comfortable and free of pain, so that they live each day as fully as possible and provide support to his loved ones also.
Autonapůl lent three cars from its fleet

In order for these organizations to provide their services, they need cars. The mobile hospice service is available 24 hours a day. This means that whenever it is necessary, the team goes home to the patient. Because caring for the people in need must be supported in a decent civil society at all times and in times of crisis in particular, we have decided to get involved.
By the end of May 2020, Autonapůl have lent three cars from our fleet to three selected member organizations of the Forum of Mobile Hospices (in Brno, Prague and Olomouc) for a symbolic 1 Crown. All cars have insurance, all service and a Czech motorway vignette. That is, the same services that our carsharers are used to. The organization only pays for the fuel used. And what specific hospices are involved? It is a health institute Most k domovu Prague (/www.mostkdomovu.cz/), Mobile Hospice of St. Jan Regional Charity Rajhrad (rajhrad.charita.cz/) and Olomouc Mobile Hospice Nejste sami (nejstesami.eu/).
If you also want to contribute, you have the opportunity. You can find more informations on the websites of individual organizations. Thank you in advance for any help.
The article Autonapůl helps is about the support of disinfection production at SPŠ Chemické in Brno.