Weekly Swap 2021 in Holešovice

The First Sustainable Mall: Weekly Swap event starts on Monday, September 13th. Autonapůl will be there and you can also 💚
You've never heard of SWAP?
Je to event, kam návštěvníci nosí stále pěkné oblečení, drobné předměty z domácnosti, nevhodné dárky, knihy a podobné drobnosti, které už nepotřebuj
It is an event where visitors still wear nice clothes, small household items, inappropriate gifts, books and similar little things they no longer need. They can, on the other hand, take back what suits them. This direct exchange helps meaningfully and locally extend the life cycle of things while saving both personal and natural resources. It highlights overproduction in many areas and shows how sharing is responsive to the environment and resources, but also to others and to themselves.
Autonapůl perceives common values, such as sustainability, environmental friendliness or the efficient use of industrial goods. We would like to invite you to the Weekly Swap and offer you the opportunity to compete for one of five pairs of free tickets to this exceptional event.
Answer the question as correctly as possible and join the draw:
In which year did the first swap under the Swap Prague brand, organized by Kristýna Holubová and Lucie Poubová, take place?
a) 1990
b) 2016
c) 2020
More information on Facebook and Instragram Swap Prague.
We will draw the winner on 11.9.
Autonapůl will also be part of Saturday's program. We will be happy if you support us not only by participating in the debate on the topic "what you can borrow", but you will also find an interesting program just for you in the next few days.
Creating space for people. Together.