UPOL and Autonapůl - benefit for students and employees

You don't have to own a car, you just can to share it - all easily, online

Autonapůl is the first Czech carsharing and has long been the top-rated carsharing service in the Czech Republic both on Facebook and Google.

Those who need a car only occasionally can save themselves a lot of hassle and money thanks to carsharing. If you drive less than 14,000 kilometres a year, carsharing might be the ideal solution for you. You have an access to diverse fleet you can use.

Shared mobility is a modern trend. Car sharing is a sustainable mode of transport, especially when combined with public transport, cycling or walking.

Exclusive offer: No deposit needed for UPOL students and employees

Palackého University offers its students and employees a special registration with Autonapůl. You can join the carsharing service without paying a deposit. So you only pay for your car when you use it.

How can you use Autonapůl cars? For example, for a roadtrip around Europe. Take a look at the story of Pavel and his journey from Olomouc through Austria, Slovenia and Croatia and inspire yourself for your own journey with Autonapůl.

How can you use Autonapůl shared cars? As the first or second car in the family, when your own car is in servise or even when travelling to other cities use carsharing in combination with a train. You can read more of our carsharers' experiences and case studies for companies and freelancers on our website.

How to get benefit registration?

Dacia Autonapul

As part of a special offer for Palackého University, you can start using Autonapůl without paying the standard deposit of 5 000 CZK.

  • Just create a regular registration (cz/en).
  • Choose to pay the deposit by bank transfer, but then skip this step.
  • The necessary condition is that you register from your email with the domain @upol.cz.
  • The contact e-mail can be changed afterwards.

Once we receive your registration details, we will create access to the Autonapůl reservation system for you. You will receive a welcome email within a few hours and you can start your first journey with Autonapůl.

Renault Megane E-tech

Our carsharing also offers electric car in Olomouc, thanks to the cooperation of Autonapůl, the Czech representation of Renault-Dacia and the Olomouc car dealer Auto Kubíček.

Electric Megane Cooder will always be picked up and returned to its fixed location at the Auto Kubíček dealer (Holická 1224/24). There, parking and charging will be reserved for it so that you can always be sure to pick it up fully charged and ready for your trip.

Megane E-Tech Autonapul carsharing

Carsharing is the future

With Autonapůl you don't have to care about anything. You simply get in and drive. Just take your smartphone  (Android / iOS).

You can use dozens of cars in all cities where Autonapůl operates. You can choose from a range of cars in four categories.

Right in Olomouc you can also try the electro Renault Megane Etech.

Autonapůl is gradually adding new cars, also hybrid or pure electric cars.

Both conservative drivers who prefer a manual  transmission and those who enjoy the convenience of an automatic gearbox will find the right fit.

You can calculate the price of your journey (fuel included) in advance in the online calculator.

Why carsharing and why Autonapůl:
  • car when you need it
  • easy registration
  • fair service
  • 24/7 support
  • everything online
  • no long term commitment
  • modern
  • sustainable

Want to know more about how carsharing works?

Watch the video.

You don't need a chip card to open and close your reservation, just an app on your smartphone.

Enjoy the offer of dozens of cars in several cities in the Czech Republic.

Contact us for more information.


Creating space for people. Together.


Autonapůl, družstvo
Údolní 33, 602 00 Brno
Kancelář: Křenová 52, Brno
IČO: 29301751 / DIČ: CZ29301751

Help line: +420 778 470 898
e-mail: autonapul@autonapul.cz

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