Škoda Scala in the Standard category till 30 June

More cars with automatic gearbox now cheaper

Carsharing Scala

We have long been observing the growing popularity of cars with automatic gearbox, which are also represented in our fleet by Škoda Scala cars. We have decided to make your journeys more pleasant by lowering the price of these cars. 

To 30 June, we are reclassifying them into the Standard price category.

So you can drive them on the same conditions as Rapids or new Hyudais.

Weekend visit of friends

Price for a ride in Škoda Scala car (48 hours, 200 km): 740 CZK/1st day + 650 CZK/2nd day + 7.49 CZK/km * 200 km = 2888 CZK

How does Honza use carsharing for family mobility? Read his experience and why he chose to share with Autonapůl.


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