Tesla Model S in the Autonapůl fleet

Until Elon Musk introduced the first Tesla Roadster and Model S, electric cars were boring, ugly and full of compromises. But electric cars have something to say.

Thanks to Autonapůl and Share-Me, you can ride a great, electric car that offers incredible power (310 hp and 600 Nm) and luxury on board. The first shared Tesla in self-service carsharing mode is here for you 😉.

More information about Tesla from our offer and loan conditions on a special page.


Creating space for people. Together.


Autonapůl, družstvo
Údolní 33, 602 00 Brno
Kancelář: Křenová 52, Brno
IČO: 29301751 / DIČ: CZ29301751

Technická podpora pro uživatele: +420 778 470 898
e-mail: autonapul@autonapul.cz

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